Study Club Registration Criteria
Study clubs must register annually with the Mississippi Dental Association officeThe Mississippi State Board of Dental Examiners accepts educational programs registered with and approved by the Mississippi Dental Association for mandatory continuing education hours.
The fee for Study Club registration and support services is $150.00 annually and runs concurrent with the Mississippi Dental Association fiscal year, July 1-June 30.The Mississippi Dental Association requires Study Clubs to register annually by providing an updated registration form and an annual registration fee of $150.00. Registration of the study club is maintained on file for reference purposes and CE verification is also maintained for three years as required by the Mississippi State Board of Dental Examiners (MSBDE). This fee is designed to cover the administrative costs of providing this service to area study clubs.
In order to properly maintain records for continuing education hour verification as required by the MSBDE, each individual program must submit a course information form and an official list of all attendees to the Mississippi Dental Association office upon completion of the program. As required by the MSBDE, this information is kept on file for verification for three years.
It is the responsibility of the study club designee to contact the MDA for program registration and subsequent follow-up attendee verification as needed. The Mississippi Dental Association office will in turn be responsible for maintaining submitted information for verification upon request of the MSBDE. It will not be the responsibility of the Mississippi Dental Association office to perform the duties of the study club designee. The Mississippi Dental Association provides the registration and record keeping as a service to the study club. Accurate and adequate records will rely on the study club designee and the subsequent provision of the information to the MDA office. The information on the course information form will include the name of the education course, the person presenting the course, the number of actual CE hours as well as other pertinent information.
The study club will be responsible for furnishing individual CE verification slips to each person in attendance. These slips are designed to serve as verification should proof of CE attainment be required by the MSBDE.
Blank registration, course information forms, sign-in roster and CE slips for study clubs can be downloaded needed.