Mississippi Dental Political Action Committee
State and federal governments are a constant, sometimes intrusive presence in the dental office. With issues such as unsupervised practice by hygienists, patient protection, amalgam waste disposal, HIPAA regulations, and excessive state and federal regulations, we need lawmakers in the Mississippi legislature and U.S. Congress who understand dentistry and oral health care. MDPAC and ADPAC (the American Dental Association’s political action committee) are dentistry’s best hope of electing these individuals.
In addition to making political contributions, MDPAC maintains a statewide contact dentist system so that every politician in the state has a personal friend in dentistry. MDPAC hosts legislative receptions and legislative contact days, furthering the relationship between legislators and dentists.
What are suggested MDPAC contribution levels?
You can join PAC with a simple contribution.The following are suggested amounts of commitment levels:
Platinum Plus - $1250+
Platinum Contributor - $1000+
Diamond Contributor - $750 - $999
Crown Contributor - $500 - $749
Century Contributor - $175 - $499
Active Contributor - $50 - $174
Recent Graduate Contributor - $35
Student Contributor - $10
How can I donate to MDPAC?
c/o Mississippi Dental Association
439 B Katherine Drive
Flowood, MS 39232
Checks should be made payable to MDPAC.
Please note: MDPAC and ADPAC contributions are voluntary political contributions. The suggested amount is only a suggestion, more or less than the suggested amount may be given, and the amount given or refusal to give will not benefit or disadvantage you. Contributions are not deductible for federal income tax purposes. Federal law requires political committees to report the name, mailing address, occupation and name of employer for each individual whose contributions aggregate in excess of $200 in a calendar year. Mississippi law permits state PACs to accept professional corporation checks.
How can I serve as a contact dentist?
Please call Wahnee Sherman at the MDA office at (601) 664-9691 or e-mail her at wahnee@msdental.org to identify who you would be willing to contact.
What is the difference between MDPAC and ADPAC?
The Mississippi Dental Political Action Committee is the political arm of the Mississippi Dental Association that represents the interests of dentists in our state. We are a voluntary, non-profit, unincorporated, federally registered committee of individual dentists that present a strong, united voice at the Mississippi Legislature on behalf of Mississippi dentists. We are the ONLY political action committee in Mississippi that represents dentists. We are not affiliated with any political party.
ADPAC, American Dental Political Action Committee, is the bipartisan voice of thousands of dentists across our nation who care deeply about their patients and their profession. Its mission is to educate dentists about the importance of political action and to help elect candidates for congressional office who are supportive of issues important to dentistry. By supporting ADPAC, the profession of dentistry remains strong and its principles uncompromised.
Important for ALL dentists to understand: MDPAC dollars cannot go to federal legislators or candidates, only state individuals. In turn, ADPAC dollars cannot go to state campaigns or state legislators, just those who are currently serving in Washington or seeking election to serve in Washington, DC.

-Dr. Drew Middleton, MDPAC Secretary
MDPAC Board Members
Chair: Dr. Mark Donald
Sec/Treas: Dr. Drew Middleton
Officer: Dr. Eric Herrington
Officer: Dr. Charles Belknap
Officer: Dr. Sherry Pippen
Officer: Dr. James Russell Dumas
District I: Dr. Beth Shelton, Dr. Ed Holliday
District II: Dr. Brant Kairit, Dr. Hayden Horan
District III: Dr. Drew Middleton, Dr. Eric Herrington
District IV: Dr. Susan Fortenberry, Dr. Tiffany Green
District V: Dr. Tony Chapman, Dr. Trey Sutton
District VI: Dr. Chris Price, Dr. Delton Moore
D-4 Student: Dalton Ford
D-3 Student: Meredith Minshew
Lobbyist: Clearwater Group
MDA Staff: Wahnee Sherman